Thursday, August 13, 2015

Time to get going

It is that time again: Picky Chick Consignment Sale time. People who don't do these sales often ask me why I do. The simplest answer is that it is a great way to make some money and declutter your house all in one swoop. Sure, the prep time is not short, but when I can take my children to the movies and pay for them to go to special activities out of my earnings, the time is totally worth it. I have a boy who is pretty careful with his good clothes, so I can usually get rid of all of his things because they are in good condition. Now if I can just get motivated to go down in the dungeon and start ironing and hanging and entering and tagging, we will be set. Whew.

On a completely unrelated note, my niece got some new glasses the other day and we were thrilled to see the pictures of her looking all grown up in her very stylish frames. I can remember when I got my first frames. I was in elementary school and couldn't see my piano music. My nose touched the music book too many times and my mom took me to Dr.B who dilated my eyes and then watched me try to read old issues of Highlights magazine. Epic fail. I picked out what I thought were stylish frames. Good golly did I look funny. Shame on whoever created those frames. Shame! The frames they have now, though, wow! I am so jealous! She looks so stinkin' cute with them on! I hope they make reading and just seeing in general a more pleasant experience for her. I know they certainly helped me and my children.

Time to go help the hub write an essay about G for her Language Arts teacher. I hope we get a good grade! Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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